• To ensure directly implementation of international agreements, request to participate in litigation which will be opened, is concerning women's rights and problems and if necessary, to prosecute. Including CEDAW (the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women),
• To facilitate access to justice violence against women, family law and the legal status of women and other necessary cases, to take the part for justice, to give legal support and advice,
• To develop the consciousness and awareness about cultural obstacles which prevent the participation of women in social, economic, political life, to inform and form public to overcome these obstacles,
• To provide social, psychological counseling services for women
• to do works which is protective, educational and create awareness for the prevention of violations of rights
• To make and execute training, workshops, seminars and projects,
• To organize public relations and the formation of communications network, trainings, meetings, media, festivals, art, culture and street activities,
• The campaigns which create awareness and to do work visits,
• To provide guidance services for women one-on-one,
• The public institutions, universities, hospitals, cooperation, solidarity, conducting joint studies and perform other necessary activities with other institution, organizations and non-governmental organizations which work about woman in national and international field.
• Paper, newsletters, books, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, brochures, posters, to do duration / indefinite broadcast in electronic media, to do radio, television, etc.. or to participate at these programs.
• to do joint projects with EU members, candidates and co-operation countries, to perform culture, art, dialogue with civil society, cooperation on environmental protection, youth work, work of women rights, the rights of disadvantaged groups, information competitions, festivals, forums, trainings, workshops, collaboration with the media, communications networks, conferences and seminars with the scope of European Union integration process of Turkey
• to carry out international projects, to perform local, regional, national and international activities with the scope of European Union integration process of Turkey.
• to carry out joint projects with EU member and candidate countries non-governmental organizations to realize Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Candidate Countries; to perform knowledge competitions, festivals, forums, trainings, workshops, collaboration with the media, communications networks, conferences and seminars perform,
• to ensure the active participation of civil society initiatives and to carry out activities to create "civil agenda" in this area at the process of the European Union.
• To do national and international traditional festival and workshops,
• To form folk dances, folk songs and theater performances, and so to organize nights, ,
• To organize competitions about folk songs and folk dances,
• To cooperate and contact with non-governmental organizations which do activities with similar purpose at the country or abroad,
• To organize books about folklore, brochures and magazine publications, exhibitions, panels and such as educational events,
• Protection of biological diversity and providing sustainable utilization of natural resources,
• To create awareness and sensitivity for nature and problems of nature, to ensure active participation to protection of nature and make national and international projects on this subject,
• To execute national and international projects such as sustainable development, rural development, regional development issues,
• To have studies about alternative energy issues and to increase awareness of nation,
• To execute national and international projects about the global warming, climate change issue,
• To execute national and international projects about Eco-agriculture (ecological agriculture), eco-tourism (ecological tourism),
• To cooperate to bring proposals with other non-governmental organizations for solutions about environmental issues, to do follow-up and evaluation activities and projects which are done by non-governmental organizations to organize for this purpose,
• the aims are strengthen local democracy with supporting the participation of citizens in social life and non-governmental field, more specifically the co-operation with local authorities and civil society initiatives and encouragement partnerships between municipalities,
• to realize to explain the activities to local governments, civil society organizations and local communities about transparency and accountability,
• to carry out joint projects and create awareness to increase capacity building and Non-Governmental Organizations,
• to carry out projects to teach the latest developments in the EU membership process to the Non-Governmental Organizations,