
Civil Society Dialogue Program VI

Civil Society Dialog for Strong Women Project

Women in Local Governance E-platform

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Gender Mainstreaming

For the last fifteen years or so, one of the most used concepts in various texts and trainings on approaches and policies to ensure gender equality is “integrating gender into main policies”. The English word for the concept is “gender mainstreaming”. When we translate this concept fully, we encounter an obscure term such as “gender mainstreaming”. In Turkish texts, it is used as “mainstreaming, centralizing, placing in main institutional structures, placing in basic policies, inclusion, taking into account, etc.” It is possible to adopt one of them, depending on the place. For example, if we are to develop ways, tools and methods for the review and reorganization of the entire institutional structure of local governments, taking into account the inequality of women and men, we may prefer to say "incorporating the perspective of gender equality into the institutional structure of local governments". If we are to carry out a study to ensure that the entire urban service delivery perspective includes girls and women more and more equitably, we can say that “gender analysis should be included in all major urban policy and service areas”.